Due to the popularity of our RGB colour wheel module for 2-series Crestron Processors, we have built a fully featured RGB colour wheel using Crestron "Smart Graphics" technology!
This control brings with it all the features and ease of programming that our 2-series compatible module had, but via a handy Smart Object rather than a programming module. Written entirely in ActionScript using Crestron's Smart Graphics platform, this control is ideal for driving RGB light fittings or a lighting controller such as amBIENT's XC DMX lighting controller.
NOTE: This custom control requires the editing of a Smart Graphics theme in order to use it. The package includes the necessary graphics assets, but you will need to use Crestron Studio (which in turn requires the Flex SDK) to edit and compile the theme in order to use the object.
NOTE: Custom controls cannot be used in iOS or Android projects.
For more information, including licensing details, please refer to the datasheet below.